Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vegas Takes a Punch

Maybe I do look like the guy with his head in the sand [from a previous post]. After today’s trading, I sure feel like it. Not a good day.

It started with AUDUSD and worked its way to EURUSD.  I was bullish AUD [via gold] and bearish EUR. Pretty much all algorithm trades, but what really hurt was the ass-whooping I took on a EURUSD stop during the night.

What can I say? We are in a period of insane volatility and the algorithm has gotten chopped up as a result. In on a cross, and then - BOOM! - the other way to the stop. I just move forward and don’t take it personally.

I just wanted to post so that everyone can see I know how to take an approximate 7% punch. Risks in the business. Ouch! Time to get back to business.


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