Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beggar America – How I learned to Love Debt

Having survived the last 48 hours of election results and the Weimar Fed announcement this afternoon, I decided to clean the place up and get ready for the hyper-inflation party to follow. All the 2-dimensional food group wrappers [sliced cheese, candy bars, pop-tarts, etc.] have been collected and thrown away.

I got some brand spankin’ new vacuum tubes [natch, before the price rise], got my suit pressed, and after 2 days of reflection from the insanity of looking up at my trading screen, I’m ready to trade anything and everything higher. For posterity, let the world know what a true high-tech trading operation looks like:

 Now, I’m sure some of you decided to trade during the Fed announcement  Being the kind of gambling man that I am, I would lay 5 – 1 that most of you are pretty much in the following mindset:

Don’t make me say “See, I told you to stay away from this” again.

Over the last couple of days, the “whisper number” for QE2 on the street had been going down from $1 Trillion to $500 Billion, and over 6 months instead of 1 year. Almost seems deflationary in comparison.

The open little secret here amongst those of us with a brain is that “Weimar Ben” can never let interest rates go up again, or the gig is up. They will waste the country, and by default print as much as needed to keep rates artificially low. In their collective hubris, they are fighting a battle they cannot win, always determined to win the last war; in the end, they will be unsuccessful in keeping rates low. Everything they don’t buy, nobody else will. That day is approaching faster than anybody in power will admit.

Today’s Weimar announcement is an open invitation for everyone to aggressively sell the U.S. Dollar and bet heavily on commodity prices going higher. Weimar Ben has given it his blessing.


1 comment:

  1. yup u told me - did I listen? nope
    did i lose money? yup will i do it again? nope.
    u r right agin my man.



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