Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet America’s Most Clueless

For those of you who live in the United States, but for some reason have never left the country, you really need to get out more often. There are, believe it or not, other countries where people actually have some brains, live quite well, and enjoy a standard of living much better than you.

No, I’m not referring to the Bamster or Weimar Ben, or any of the countless pols that make me want to puke on a daily basis. That would be too easy.

No, dear readers, I am talking about ordinary, first-rate, gullible Americans. And since I’m an American, I think I am uniquely qualified to show why the U.S. is in financial trouble.

Before you see the visual evidence, I start with the premise that Americans have been “dumbed down” the past 30 years [maybe more] with an educational system that cares nothing about learning and knowledge and everything about pushing a liberal socialist agenda. It matters nothing if little Timmy learns to think critically [read and write] and becomes proficient in math. No, what truly matters is that he becomes a metaphorically neutered male; tackling such weighty matters as gay/lesbian studies, revisionist American history, conflict resolution, etc., etc.

What sane person, grounded in economic reality and a firm grasp on the issues of the day, can come up with any other conclusion than the U.S. if filled to the brim with ROY G. BIV trash!

America [collectively] gets the crooks leaders it eventually deserves. It’s easy to explain Obama; more and more Americans want free stuff they don’t have to work for and feel guilty about. “Shazaam!! I’m gettin’ a chek frum da guberment!”

OK, no more teasing; here’s video proof. But first let me set up what you are about to see. Canadian Mark Dice comes down from Canada and tries to give away a free 1 oz., .9999 pure gold Canadian Maple Leaf coin to random people on the street. Filmed in November 2009, gold is at approximately $1,150 per oz., and he can’t give it away! Here is the link:

If I were King, I’d just put them in one place and do this:

I’m speaking metaphorically of course.


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