Friday, November 5, 2010

Greatest Data Week Ever: Some Observations

The celebrations have begun in the U.S. The parties have started and people are giddy with joy. You couldn’t find this much happiness unless you were at a Wayne Newton shindig in Las Vegas. With the U.S. mired in recession, TOTAL unemployment at 17%, what possibly could make people this giddy?

After getting his backside severely slapped by voters, Obama’s taking 3,000 people to India for 10 days. If you wanted to, you couldn’t get much farther away from the U.S. by going to India. By my reckoning, this means the average TV viewer with no cable doesn’t have to look, or hear, from the Bamster for at least a couple of weeks.

Look at it this way: your wife announces she is going to visit her mother 15,000 miles away for 10 days; the kids are safely ensconced at Camp Itchygumma for the month, and you live in a luxury apartment above the best strip club in town. Oh Joy, Hallelujah!!! [Have a nice trip honey, and tell your Mom I said Hi!!]

Make no mistake dear readers; this is a dangerous trip for BHO. Why, yesterday I read with horror that since he’s going to be wandering around the sub-continent, there are many dangerous coconut trees ready to drop real, live coconuts on his saintly dome. Natch, the Indians are scurrying around the Taj stripping every coconut tree within 100 miles so this doesn’t happen.

But I don’t think this goes nearly far enough to protect all the liberals in the entourage. Therefore, I am calling, NO DEMANDING, that the Indians put the following sign up everywhere “The One” might visit:

After all, it doesn’t get much more dangerous for tone deaf, out-of-touch, not-a-clue liberals than falling coconuts.


By now, everybody knows what the Weimar Fed did. 

Using some “back of the envelope” math, it means everything you earn and everything you save is gonna be DEVALUED by at least 10% going forward. ETA is about 6 – 9 months. Think your 401k or IRA is doing well because the stock market is inflated up a little? Chew on this: since the start of 2010, the S&P valued in silver is down 29%.

Here is how you can save yourself and your family: I’m inserting a link here for “e-dinar”, a company providing a 100% gold- and silver-backed online payment system and related exchange services. For more information, follow this link:

I highly recommend them for accumulating gold, silver, and platinum. Their reputation is impeccable and their service is very good. The fee structure, copied from their website is as follows:

As you can see, there is only a 1% annual fee to hold and store gold, silver, and platinum. You simply won’t find a better deal anywhere in the world. Located outside the U.S., Euroland, and the other high-tax snoop countries, your holdings are safe, secure, and most importantly private.


On the first Friday of every month we go through the same NFP shenanigans. As most traders know, Non-Farm Payrolls data is a complete guess. One thing you can always count on from highly paid and useless analysts is the word “unexpectedly” prefaced before any data analysis.

In order to get to the bottom of this mess, I sent my own highly paid and useless staff to Washington, D.C. After 2 weeks in the Honeymoon Suite at Motel 6; far, far too many nights out ‘til 4 A.M., they reported back that, yes indeed, they had infiltrated the Bureau of Labor Statistics and attended a very high-level staff meeting. While I couldn’t quite make out their report, written on a cocktail napkin with purple lipstick, the super-secret photo they smuggled out pretty much said it all:

And you sometimes wonder why I don’t like trading on NFP Friday?


1 comment:

  1. thnxs for link to e-dinar. been looking for a place to buy silver and not have to pay 30% per year to hold it. much appreciated vegas.
    mr. invisible


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