Monday, November 8, 2010

US DOPES [U.S. Department of People’s Equity & Savings]

Yup, even Mr. Ed thinks the acronym is worth a laugh.

But you won’t be laughing when the U.S. Government takes over your IRA or 401k, if you are a U.S. Citizen. For the last 3 years, liberals in the U.S. Congress have been scheming and laying plans to do just that. Headed by super lib George Miller [Marxist, CA.], the plan is essentially this: they steal take your retirement money and give you Treasury paper and guarantee you make 2% per year. You have no choice in the matter; it is essentially a government takeover of your money. When you retire, you don’t get the lump sum, only the income stream.

This plan was hatched and was supposed to be implemented upon Obama winning in 2012, with a Pelosi controlled House and a Reid controlled Senate. Too bad the people of the Untied States sent Pelosi packing.

With the Republican teanami that happened last Tuesday, here are the current odds of this scheme happening anytime soon:

Only place your hard earned capital where it is protected from harm, in an environment that is friendly. In the current political environment, the United States is the very last place I would want to keep and invest money.


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