Sunday, October 24, 2010

The World Is in the Very Best of Hands

My pulse quickens and my blood races as the most exciting event of the weekend unfolds. I can relax now though because it’s sadly come to an end. I am, of course, talking about the G-20 meeting in Gyeongju., South Korea. With the exception of the United Nations and the U.S. Congress, you basically got a pow-wow of the worlds biggest twits.

All last week, I searched in vain for an OTC penny stock that was heavily into strip clubs and limousine services located in Gyeongju. Natch, you gotta figure that 4th quarter earnings are good for a bump up and therefore a higher stock price. You tellin’ me everything is in private hands? Oh, the humanity ……

And so, after the last stretch limo is parked and the “dickerin” is over, out trots little Timmy Geithner at his presser and reiterates the big lie that “the U.S. wishes to see a strong dollar”. Now, that definitely makes little Timmy a lock for this weeks Joseph Goebbels Award in Journalistic Communications. Congrats little Timmy!

Most of these parties policy meetings have the outward veneer of a true love fest. I mean, who wants to be mad in the middle of a lap dance. But this one was a little different. For sure, you won’t read it this way in the WaPo or NY Times, but the Germans basically called Geithner’s bluff; namely, that writing checks for trillions of dollars that you don’t have is truly dangerous and stupid.

The Chinese? Well, they just smile and then go party. If you think they pay any attention to anything little Timmy has to say then you probably still believe in “Hope & Change”. They simply follow the “Golden Rule”: “Them that has the gold make all the rules”.

Hell, the Brazilians didn’t even make the trip. Faced with a rapidly appreciating currency vis-a-vie the rest of the world, they found it unfathomable to be forced to sit for 4 or 5 days and listen to nothing but bullshit.

But seriously, who would travel 10,000 miles to the strip clubs of Gyeongju, when you live in Brazil? Have you seen the women in Brazil?

So, the upshot of this confab is that the U.S. is going to continue to print money like the Weimar Republic. Granted, the currency markets might be a little dollar short at the moment, but don’t think for a second the apparatchiks in Washington want a higher dollar.

What could possibly go wrong?


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