Friday, October 22, 2010

If Only Dreams Could Make It So

Since Imam Obama got elected, the U.S Dollar has lost approximately 20% of it value against the Swiss Franc. In the same period, Gold has risen approximately 80% and Silver a whopping 250%. Somebody please answer me this: If I was trying to economically ruin the United States, what policies would I initiate any different than the current crowd in Washington?

I’m wondering where the Euro would be if it weren’t for the Gypsies running Greece. That’s kept somewhat of a lid on the Euro’s rise these last few weeks, but even with the 45 year old anarchist students demonstrating in the streets of Athens, and the French socialists with their panties bunched up over a rise in the retirement age to 62 from 60, they aren’t nuts enough to run trillion dollar deficits.

Apparently, we are.


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